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Members Guide

Thank you for your interest in the Maisha cover from AMREF Flying Doctors. Please take a moment to read this guide to help you complete your registration and guide you on how to manage your account.

You can read and download a copy of the Terms & Conditions Here.

About us

Maisha Air Ambulance cover from AMREF Flying Doctors provides for both ground and air evacuation for emergency medical conditions within Kenya.

Maisha covers eight countries in the Eastern Africa region, including: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Zanzibar, Ethiopia and South Sudan - all clustered into four different cover regions.

Benefits Include;

  1. Access to our 24hr Medical Helpline anytime from anywhere for medical advice.
  2. Unlimited evacuation flights per year for medical emergencies.
  3. Unlimited ground ambulance transfers within Kenya.
  4. Direct contact with AMREF Flying Doctors and the medical professionals - no third party.


  • No age limit
  • No exclusion for pre-existing or chronic ailments
  • Members of the extended family can also be added to your cover
Note: only registered clients are covered by this scheme. Subscription is not transferrable between people.

Application Requirement

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Passport/ ID No

Application Process

Click here to subscribe.

  • Register Account - You will receive an email in your registered email account with a onetime password. Change the password to one that you can easily remember but unique to you.
  • Add your dependents
  • Add to cart
  • Checkout
  • Accept Terms and payment
  • Make Payment (DPO Gateway)
  • Complete payment
You will receive a confirmation email once you've completed the process.
As soon as your payment is received in full by AMREF Flying Doctors, your subscription becomes valid for one year from that date.
If you have difficulties in subscribing or you have any queries, please contact: [email protected] or call +254 (20) 699 2000

Managing your Membership

Log in on LOGIN to

  • View membership details
  • Update contact detail
  • Add more beneficiaries
  • Change cover
  • Renew cover
Note: Only the principal member is entitled to managing the account

How to engage us in a medical emergency

Call our emergency numbers +254 (0) 206 992 900 +254 (0) 730 811 900. We are available 24/7.Have this information ready when calling the AMREF Flying Doctors to enable the quickest response;

  • Patients Name
  • Membership Number
  • Location
  • Patient's condition

AMREF Flying Doctors © 2024